Pitta expresses as the body’s metabolic system, made up of Fire and Water. It governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism and body temperature.
Pitta Dosha People are ‘fiery’. Highly passionate, competitive, and sharp-minded. They are prone to anger, aggression, and jealousy, and impulsiveness, and like to assert their individuality. They are strong-willed, persuasive, perceptive, and discriminating. They are prone to acne, acidity, and dehydration.
You can become jealous, impatient and angry. Physically an imbalance creates an aversion to heat, which can cause excessive perspiration, sunburn and in turn, skin irritability. Other symptoms include rashes, ulcers, heartburn, high blood pressure, stomach acid, insomnia and dry, burning, itchy skin and eyes. Remember to keep cool by avoiding overexposure to direct sunlight and hot, spicy foods. Keep calm by practicing yoga, meditation and massage. Once in balance, you are clear in articulating your aims and desires for the good of all.
You have a sharp memory, strong metabolism, ability to keep going without getting ‘burnt out’ too easily, flourishing in leadership positions, ability to influence with strong oratory and action.